Stampin' Sisters in Christ Challenge #87


1) Stampin’ Sisters in Christ – Challenge #87: Challenge: No designer paper, Paper must start as a solid color. This week is  sponsored by Clear Dollar Stamps so come play to try to win a $15.00 gift voucher!

WOW! What a challenge for me! I made the bg paper by taking yellow bazzill cardstock as the base. Then I took a Martha Stewart edge punch and made several trims and layered them on the card. My adhesive was showing so I took yellow glitter and sprinkled it all over the card. The picture doesn’t show the glitter but I promise it looks better in real life. The chicks wings and beaks are pop dotted for 3d dimension. This card was giving me fits last night so once I got the basic layout done I gave up on it! Figured it would be better once I had sleep! Here is the final product which I’m happy with but just not use to this style. Thanks for looking.

2) Use your Scraps – – The card base, white trim pieces, white scalloped pieces and the paper the digital images were printed on were ALL scraps. The orange and green were new.


Font – Annabel Script on my computer

Digital Image – printed on my Canon inkjet printer

Digital Image – Clear Dollar Stamps (TripleChicks -digital stamp)

Punch – Martha Stewart (double loops)

Scalloped square dies –  Nestabilites®

Ribbon – Grosgrain from Hobby Lobby

Corner Rounder punch – large – EK success

pop dots