Day 62 @


1) Day 62 at 365Cards.blogspot.comSketchy Sunday at 365 Cards!

We were to make a card using this sketch:

I’m not big on shaped cards so I decided to just put this image onto a card! I love the end results. This card is a request by a friend at work….bless her soul she buys my cards! She will give me request and I try to please. Today’s request was a card with a pig on it for a friend’s grandmother she met and played games with. The color scheme all came from the pink patterned paper that reminded me of the pigs tail and the black outline of the pig. The pig was found on the internet for some coloring book site and I printed it on pink paper. I used pink chalk and black ink to give the pig a more “real” look to it.  I forgot how to make text wrap in word so I just did it myself by turning the paper each time I printed…..I know a pain but when you have an “image” in your mind you got to find a way!! Oh and the base of the card is black and dummy me put a black background for the photo so it is hard to tell but I’m in a hurry and wasn’t thinking!

2. GAB Challenge #13 -Any 3D Project

The pig has pop dots under it to make it 3-d. The ribbon and brads also bring in 3-d elements.  Hope that is 3-d enough for the challenge.


Ribbon – maya road

pig image off internet


black brads – Misc from stash

pink pp – american crafts (the goods bassinet)

black polka dot – Reminisce

coluzzle – oval

Circle punches – EK success

large corner rounder